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iWorks FX

Microscope Software for ​Particle Analysis & Automatic Counting

iWorks FX is the outstanding microscope software for automatic objects or cells counting, particle analysis, fluorescence Image multiple color merge and metallurgical area fraction. It is a good choice for high-end biological specialist and users of metallographic analysis.


Note: All functions of iWorks LT are included in iWorks FX.

Manual Counting

Manual counting tool, by mouse clicking.

microscope software Manual Counting

Automatic Counting / Particle Analysis

When measurements are made, the program highlights the measuring outlines and assigns reference numbers to the objects in your image. iWorks introduce to advanced particle analysis gets an object by simple click of your mouse then measure and analysis all of object by automatically.

microscope software Paticle Analysis Software

AOI (Area of Interest) Manager

Define your prefered area with several tools.

AOI (ROI) tool
microscope software AOI tool

Enhanced Image Processing Tools

  • Image enhancement: Invert, Brighteness, Contrast, Gamma

  • Arithmetic/ Logic operation

  • Color split/ merge

Merge: Generate one or several R/G/B grayscale images to a new color image.

microscope software merge fluorescencce channels

Split: Used for extracting one or several R/G/B channels from a color image.

microscope software split fluorescencce channels
  • Image Filters (Spatial Filter, Edge Filter)

spatial filter
edge filter
  • Histogram

microscope software Histogram


microscope image segmentation

Fluorescence Manager and Pre-defined Dye List

Multiple single channel images (captured with different optical filters or under different camera settings) can be merged together simply by using Fluorescence Manager of iWorks. The combined images can be stored to a file while maintaining their original bit depths or optionally can be converted into a RGB image.

Fluorescence microscope_Dye setup
microscope software fluorescence image manager
microscope fluorescence image channel Red
microscope fluorescence image channel Green
microscope fluorescence image channel Blue

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