Microscope Software for Particle Analysis and Fluorescence Image Management
Including all functions of iWorks LT
Auto Calibration and auto edge detection
Auto Count/ Measure objects
Z Stack
Particle size analysis
Backgournd correction
Object editing/ Sorting with limit value
Automatic Calibration with interactive level marker
Progressed AOI (Area of Interest) Manager
Highly developed Fluorescence manager
Pre-defined dye list
Metallographic Analysis Software for Grain Size, Cast Iron, Non Metallic Inclusions Rating, Phase Analysis
Including all functions of iWorks FX
Extended Measurement Tools
Auto Edge Detecting Tools
Extended Image Tilling, Multi-Focus
Grain Size Measurement
Cast Iron Analysis
Non-metallic Inclusion Rating Analysis (plug-in module)
Rust Grade Analysis
Phase Analysis
Software for Measuring Microscope
Advanced Measurement Tools
Alignment Tools
Drawing Window
Basic Overlay Chart (crosshair, cricle, rectangle)
Automtatic Edge Detection Tool
Multi Focus & Image Tiling
Focus Indicator
Advanced Overlay Chart
3 D output
Report Manager
3-button switch & footswitch
iWorks Software Packages
Functions & Applications

Multi-focus & Image Tiling
Allows to create automatic composites of continuously captured images, in order to increase field of view and extend depth of focus.

Particle Analysis & Auto Count
Automatically characterize objects in the image. Count and sort objects automatically, with the ability to identify over 100,000 objects per frame.

Fluorescent Image Merge & Dye
Merge multiple single channel imagescaptured with different optical filters. From the dye list, users can select corresponding fluorophore to dye the monochrome images.
Grain Size Analysis
Grain size analysis in metals and alloys, supports standards ASTM E 112, E 1382, E 1181, E 930, ISO 643, ISO 14250, etc.
Cast Iron Analysis
Microscopic analysis in spheroidal graphite cast iron. Supports standards ASTM A 247, ASTM E 25671, ISO 945-1, ISO TR 945-2, ISO 16112, etc.